Had Stephen Colbert been on the ballot in S. Carolina, he may well have gotten enough of the young vote to have changed the results.
The old Confederacy (and Idaho)
Anyone who believes that the Clintons’ are being unduly mean to Barack Obama has only to wait until the GOP machine gets its rabid bloody…
We often think of the bottom tier of Presidential candidates as sour grapes, but they all serve an important purpose in our election process. Whether…
I have been trying to write something funny about this extreme media hyped fight between Obama and the Clintons, but after seeing this clip I…
There is something about Mitt… Something very wrong which is hard to place. Words that come to mind are robotic, soap opera doctor, plastic, cream…
While the media hypes the water balloon fight between the Democratic front runners, the GOP is in a gloves off slash and burn self destruct…
The New York Times endorsed Hillary Clinton on experience and command of the issues, but it was their endorsement of Republican John McCain which contained…
Jon Stewart and Jason Jones – Iceland Coaliton of the Unwilling
Bush Lie? Let Us Count The Ways This is not big news for most of us, but it’s reassuring to have one’s own opinions verified.…