Republican Gay pundit Andrew Sullivan used to make my skin crawl, now that he has CHANGED to a Democrat, Andrew Sullivan still makes my skin…
Chuck Rosenthall – Harris County District Attorney – is yet another Christian conservative Republican who got elected down here in Dumbutt, Texas by screeching about…
Emma Lundgren, 28 from Sweden, a violinist studying at Rice University Shepherd School of Music was shot in the head and killed on the firing…
Tyler, Texas – After Christopher Lee McCuin kidnapped and killied his girlfriend Jana Shearer, he put her body in the back of his extended cab…
January 6, 2008 NYT Op-Ed Columnist Voting for a Smile By MAUREEN DOWD CONCORD, N.H. The Hillary forces at the Plymouth Church caucus in Des…
Keith Olbermann discusses Britney Spears being taken away HA! HA!
Keith Olbermann and E.J. Dionne discuss how much the Republican establishment HATES Mike Huckabee because he just may raise taxes on the filthy rich –…
Bill Moyers January 4th interviews the out of touch candidates Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. While Kucinich wants to go back about 70 years to…
The biggest story coming out of Iowa last night was not the "nice guys" winning but that Democratic turnout (238,000) more than doubled from any…
January 4, 2008New York Times Editorial Let It Start Now The candidates have spent a year and tens of millions of dollars in Iowa, and…
Less than half of Americans accept evolution while in the rest of the civilized world about 85% do, which includes even Iran for Christsake… What…