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Catholic Leader: Marriage is Not About Love or Making People Happy!

Catholic leader: Marriage isn't about love or happiness! Gay marriage debate

Marriage according to Catholic leader Bill Donohue is no romantic romp! According to the Archie Bunker double; “The whole purpose of marriage is about having a family, not about happiness.” You hear that Edith?!  What a heaven-sent nest Donohue describes for those newborn babes that marriage requires.   Either Donohue has one of the darkest views of marriage I’ve yet to (openly) encounter, or he’s trying to discourage gay people by his example.
Watch John Fugelsang as he hammers it out with Donahue,running up and down the scriptures to define the institution of marriage –  and to dispute Donohue’s belief that only those with a stalwart duty/ability to repopulate the earth and a grim outlook should enter into that union.