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Cheech & John, John McCain wants to legalize Marijuana

cheech & john

“Maybe we should legalize. We’re certainly moving that way as far as marijuana is concerned. I respect the will of the people.”

There may be something really important going on here.  You know if John McCain had won in 2008 we would have bombed the crap out of Syria long ago, and more than likely Libya, Egypt, Iran and still be fighting in Iraq with no draw down in Afghanistan. And maybe even lobbing a few of those nice little tactical nukes onto Kim Jung Il and Dennis Rodman. Has there ever been a war John didn’t like?

Now with his ass getting kicked even by Arizona Tea Party Republicans on his war brain, perhaps he has seen the light.. up… I know that whenever I smoked pot war was way down on my TO DO list. Or any violence, or engagement of any kind for that matter. Well other than the cartoon channel.