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Chris Daughtry Sings “The Ballad of Rob Ford” Jimmy Kimmel

Chris Daughtry Sings "The Ballad of Rob Ford"drunk drivin' crack smokin' mayor of Toronto Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel welcomes Chris Daughtry, balladeer, because men like Rob Ford, ‘the drunk drivin’ crack smokin’ mayor of Toronto’ just don’t come around often. When they do,it’s important that we immortalize them for future generations to enjoy. So Daughtry wrote and performed this tribute to the mayor with a beautiful ballad.

Why do Canadians put up with Ford’s antics? While there’s no definitive answer, public posts provide some clues.  One anonymous defender of the mayor wrote: ” Rob Ford is the best mayor we in Toronto have ever had. Yes his crack smoking is inexcusable (no mention of drunk driving or other shenanigans),but he did a damn fine job as mayor. We will never have another economically responsible mayor like Ford again!”

There you have it. The secret to a balanced budget. Until our leaders are willing to go the extra mile, we will be mired in debt.