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Chris Kyle American Liar, Jesse Ventura Wins Suit

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura on defamation suit victory over Liar Chris Kyle

Americans are lining up to see ‘American Sniper’ the fictionalized account of Chris Kyle, whose own romance with fiction was cause for a successful defamation lawsuit by former Governor Jesse Ventura. A defamation lawsuit brought by a famous person is almost impossible to prove, and lawyers will discourage clients to pursue  charges. Kyle’s lies were so blatant that Jesse Ventura was awarded $1.8 million dollars from a federal jury for just one of the tall tales Chris Kyle – touted to be a hero, told in his biography ‘American Sniper.’

Because Kyle has been martyred and glorified in Clint Eastwood’s movie, indiscriminate gun nuts haven’t the motivation to search out the truth. As a result, Jesse Ventura is no longer welcome at reunions with his fellow SEALS. You can imagine the vitriol from the ‘patriot’ movement is plentiful. The country, already divided over guns and violence has taken sides over this irresponsible movie, and although vindicated legally, Ventura’s reputation is yet more collateral damage. In short, Kyle claimed that Ventura was in a military bar, running down a fellow SEAL, the Presidential administration and other un-American bluster until Kyle had to go and deck him. The thing is, in a bar full of ‘witnesses’ no one saw it. No one heard it, because it didn’t happen. Of the lawsuit Ventura says: “You pursue a lawsuit for the truth” I was accused of treason. It never happened.” What did happen, was Ventura incurred two and one half years of lawyer fees, which he will pay with the money he was awarded. Just for the record, he did not file against the widow. The suit was filed prior to Kyle’s untimely demise.

Why would anyone believe Chris Kyle’s story about Jesse Ventura when he proved  time and time again that he was a self-aggrandizing liar?   The following are tall tales which appeared in Kyle’s book.  They had no part in deciding the defamation case, due to the efforts of the defense to keep them out of the trial.

Kyle claimed he and his fellow SEALS were sent to Katrina to shoot looters. He claimed his body count was around 30  souls who won’t steal a TV again!    Nope, didn’t happen – what’s scary is a lot of people love believing it did!

THIS tale has been  a favorite fib since 2009.
Kyle claimed two carjackers confronted him in Texas, when he “reached for his keys, grabbed a pistol and shot the men dead.” He casually leaned on his truck waiting for police who called the number provided to them, which was – the Pentagon! The Texas cops learned they were in the presence of an American Hero and sent him away with accolades – I presume. Thing is, none of it happened.  (He’s not George Zimmerman, after all).
Imagine the consequences if every ‘hero’ were allowed to shoot people with no messy paperwork or criminal investigation!

Kyle’s book is full of juicy confabulations.
Kyle claims that in pro-military Coarando, CA en route to deployment, he was spit at by protesters carrying signs saying ‘baby Killer’    Oddly, no news about such an incident exists.

Now this is newsy!
Guess who found the WMD’s?!!!  I’ll bet you have an idea. According to Kyle, he found them in stored in drums in France – while those other sillies were searching in Iraq. Nose like a bloodhound, had Kyle. We await the French explanation.

Kyle’s fiction appeals to the indiscriminate haters who currently are focused upon Muslims – not necessarily radical extremist Muslims. When you’re armed to the teeth, you need an enemy, and you see the enemy everywhere. Nothing is more immoral than so-called heroes and proven liars encouraging zealots to wrap themselves in the flag and kill for “freedom.”

All isn’t grim for Chris Kyle fans. For inexplicable reasons, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is grabbing some glory for himself and Kyle by declaring February 2nd ‘Chris Kyle Day.’ In a flowery speech Abbott proclaimed; “We need American heroes to protect us from evil like Chris Kyle did.” If the truth is evil, the job well done!  Abbott seems to have forgotten or ignored the fact that Feb. 2nd has belonged to groundhogs since 1841. Surely there is another day in February in which the camo-clad can come out to see their shadows, and leave the poor groundhog to his one day in the sun.