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Christ Christie, Conehead, Bill Day Cartoon

chris christie conehead

chris christie  conehead

The best political cartoons are the ones with few words and a lasting image.  What is most interesting in this story of political corruption and accusations of bullying is that with every step Christie is found more culpable, the polls show him rising with Tea Party support.

This week there are not a few cartoons shaming the GOP on it’s views about unemployment and unemployment insurance.

There is a new reality at work both here and in much of the world that like evolution and climate change, the Republican Party has seen fit to deny or pretend it’s some sort of socialist liberal conspiracy. No, it is the reality of global markets, robotics, and a surging technology that if now replacing even thinking in the workplace.


And rather than flinging sht at the millions upon millions who now suffer that reality – which the GOP has more than enough of in their pockets (and mouths) – it’s time they came to terms with reality rather than invisible sky creatures who drive most of the ignorance and intolerance in the world. But don’t hold your breath.