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Christian war & NRA fan Mike Huckabee nukes Iran

Christian war fan Mike Huckabee nukes iranSo does Mike Huckabee’s stand on no gun controls and no background checks apply to nuclear proliferation? Well most certainly not background checks, for if we were to use the criteria of who has already used nuclear weapons on densely populated civilian centers, it would be only the United States without a permit. Though the US could get nukes at a Nukeshow.

And of course not talking or giving an inch to Iran will end in war of one sort or another, while he blames war on those who want to avoid war.

And besides, Mike Huckabee along with the majority of the Republican Base believe that the end of the world – Jesus coming to kill about 7 billion people – is coming in their lifetimes so what’s it matter? Isn’t this what they wants? Hey denying Global Warming will not end the world in their lifetime, hopefully.