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Christian youth pastor Kevin, White People Problems

Christian youth pastor kevinChristian youth pastor Kevin helps a white girl with her white problems. Which are no small thing, relatively speaking… Is RELATIVITY even a word in the Evangelical lexicon?   Is any word with the base of REAL?  Like REALITY or REAL WORLD, or REASON? I noticed last night even Jesus talking in semantic riddles that caused close ups of the surrounding actors thinking… Thinking of what the Hell did he mean by that?  Which I hear, is the fun of it. Like Star Trek, Star Wars and Tolkien fans.  I am told the Tolkien books are Christian allegories. Much better done and written than the old Testament for sure! Much better lessons.

I think that’s what I got out of the series so far. That the old Jewish Bible portrays God as a violent revenge seeking mass murdering ugly old a whole while the new Bible portrays God as a nice, sweet hot hunk of a dude.  Merry Christmas!