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Cocks not Glocks, UT Austin protest guns on campus

Cocks not Glocks, UT Austin protest guns on campusAt the start this new semester, the student organization Cocks Not Clocks handed out 4500 large dildos in 23 minutes for students to open carry in their pockets, backpacks, hands while some were juggled. The over sized dildos were donated by sex toy distributors such as Larry Flynt’s Hustler Hollywood. I hope the protest lasts until the alt.right Texas Legislature turns blue.

I sure hope that those upset about this sexual offensiveness do not ask for dildo free safe places on campus!

For lasting effects I suggest making them into hats or using as dreadlocks, or if too clumsy to hold, get holsters for them. And maybe some new ideas for dildo games. Oh and most importantly, for thousands to wear or hold predominately dispersed throughout the football stadium and basketball arena for nationally televised Longhorn games.

Here in Texas we have the entire elected state leadership, all six of them, Donald Trump supporters, they are like the buffer zone between alt right and the GOP, which is also The Donald’s position. But oh you say, isn’t one of the six the son of Jeb Bush?  Yes indeed, George P. Bush was elected Texas Land Commissioner, who came out 4 square for The Donald recently to give his grandparents George H and Barb, his aunt and uncle George W and Laura and his father Jeb a big kick in the nuts. Hear! Here!

In the next few months or perhaps years we will be hearing a lot about Alt Right, but one thing the media will not be talking about is that all of them do not just have a gun, but a gun on them, and an arsenal at home, where to you think the 20 million assault rifles are?

Oh and to decry the business that gunloons are only stupid white people here are a couple stupid black people: E.T. Williams and Handy Mayhem