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Colbert: Fox News says Doritos mock Catholic Cannibalism

The important part of this one starts at minute 2:25.

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cThought
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"Controversial ad for Doritos…"  Says Fox News Megan Kelly.

As we learn the ad was made not by Frito Lay but by a contestant for a Frito Lay advertising contest and it never appeared on television, it is a serious Fox News Problem. I am not quite sure whether this is the "Fair" part of the Fox News logo or it falls under the "Balanced" area. 

But I bet a Dorito wouldn’t get stuck there up on the roof of your mouth while you genuflect your way through the rest of the Mass. I do recall that while pushing it around up there and trying to smack it down with my tongue, that it was the most enjoyable part of the experience because it meant that with only a few more bell jinglings and stand, kneel, sits it would soon be all over! And I could run home, change clothes and do bad things that I didn’t have to be sorry for until next Saturday afternoon! Which most always ended in 5 Our Fathers, 15 Hail Marys and one Act of Contrition. The increase in that came when I was about 13 or so and my sins moved from mostly disrespecting my parents and saying naughty words to something completely different.

OMG! I just fell into something that never occurred to me before. Every Saturday afternoon 13 year old boys tell those priests how often they spank the monkey each week. Priests learn which ones are easy… And make them alter boys.