In response to the top intellectual personality of the GOP, Newt Gingrich is now defending McCarthyism. So why not accuse Gingrich of being a baby eating werewolf? Newt is pushing that form of McCarthyism – as is Ann Coulter who wrote an entire book defending and celebrating McCathyism – along with Florida Republican Representative Allen West who has a list of 81 Communists in the House of Representatives. Are these people stupid? No, they are just giving the Republican Base what the want. Intolerance, bigotry, racism, executions, assault rifles, selfishness and preemptive wars are just not enough for them, they need to bring back Joe McCarthy to make them happy. If YOU do not vote YOU will be responsible for the Republican Base taking over this country.
And this is to say nothing of the SIX members of the MENSA of Congress who are doing the same McCathyism but with Muslims rather than Communists. Their names are:
Michele Bachmann
Tom Rooney
Lynn Westmoreland
Trent Franks
Louie Gohmert
And where in the Hell is the leader of the House Mensa Steve King?
A few Republicans spoke out against this McCathyism including John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Boehner and Scott Brown. Republican Majority Whip Eric Cantor came out for Bachmann. The Republican Base sent a letter to the Speaker of the House in defense of this Religious McCarthism, their names are:
David Barton, Founder & President, WallBuilders
Gary Bauer, President, American Values
T. Kenneth Cribb, former Domestic Advisor to President Reagan
James Dobson, Founder & President, FamilyTalk Radio Becky
Norton Dunlop, former Deputy Assistant to President Reagan
Stuart Epperson, Co-Founder and Chairman, Salem Communications
Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring
David McIntosh, former member of Congress
Edwin Meese III, former Attorney General of the United States
Star Parker, Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education
Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
Robert (Bob) Reccord, Executive Director, Council for National Policy
Alfred Regnery, President, The Paul Revere Project
Mathew D. Staver, Chairman, Liberty Counsel
Tim Wildmon, President, American Family AssociationHon. J. Kenneth Blackwell, former U.S. Ambassador, U.N. Human Rights Council
Phil Burress, Chairman, Citizens for Community Values Action
And if YOU do not vote come November, YOU are handing this country over to those people.