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Colbert: Socialist Canadians now wealthier than Capitalist Americans!

OMG! And this just a month after we find out that Socialist Australia is the happiest nation on Earth.  What’s next?  Finding that Socialist Scandinavian countries are smarter than we are? Or Socialist France has less crime?  Or Socialist Great Britain is healthier? Oh, sorry that’s all old news.

But there is an issue here regarding NET WORTH.  I think if myself as average middle class, and our net worth is half that. So I guess it’s the 1% with all their WORTH that skewers the data…  40% of us rent, what net worth to most of them have?

Net worth by race in the United States 2009 Pew Research:

Whites:  $113,000
Hispanics: $6.329
Black: $5,677

Canada richer than America