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Colbert: Unions up Stephen Colbert’s ass


Just heard Mornin’ Joe Scarborough admit he is a recipient of the dreaded Obamacare!  His 24 year old son passed on a company health care plan so Joe is using Obamacare to cover him.  OMG!  Communism has taken over the Scarborough family!

Joe went on to say that of all the hate mail he gets, it is married Republican women who are the worst. Calling him a turncoat Marxist commie accompanied with filthy names. While on the other hand, single women are 70% for Obama. Around the talking table no one could come up with why that is.

I know why!  In my youth a married adult once told me that if I were to put a bean in a jar for every time I had sex with my wife in the first two years, and took a bean out every time I had sex for the next 50 years, I would never empty the jar.  So not only is there a generational gap, but these nasty old married women stopped having sex long ago. Another thing Joe and the table refused to say, is all those nasty married  women are WHITE! They also failed to mention that they are mostly old, ugly and obese.

unions up colberts ass