You’re about to find out what ‘truly’ irritates comedian Lewis Black about Washington D.C. and Congress in particular, and he’s not laughing this time. Black spoke at the National Press Club, and here in segment one he gets down to how very simple it should be for our representatives to do their jobs.
Lewis Black’s formula is so simple that even our representatives should grasp it. First: Look at what the private sector needs. Second: Look at what government can do to facilitate it.
Three seems to be the tricky part for this Congress. Two parties of differing ideologies find a way to deliver the solution through -compromise! Of course, those of you who live nearby are charged with a special duty which will require a great deal of your time and dedication, but standing guard over Congress until they can sweat out something productive will be worth it!
If there has ever been a Congress more determined not to compromise, and less likely to do the job they’ve been sent to do, they don’t easily come to mind. So, it would appear that we have idiots in D.C. paid to do nothing, while the problem solvers with the common sense, include comedians. Why are they such an obstructionist mess? Far be it from me to know, but RackJite recently commented on the differences between conservatives and liberals which may explain the problem in part, a segment follows. See Part Two of Lewis Black’s speech to the National Press Club tomorrow in which he embraces socialism for a Christian United States. Hey, it only makes sense!
It’s there to see in everything they do, in everything they say, they even write it down on platforms and budgets. Doing all they can to hurt the poor, hurt the working poor, hurt the middle class, hurt minorities, hurt women, hurt children, hurt the sick all to hand over more money and political power to the wealthy. And half the intelligent American voter bends over and asks for more. Why?
We often tell ourselves it is all that religious intolerance, the overwhelming racial and ethnic bigotry and of course the guns, but the real driving force of it – what gets them to the polls – is a visceral, ear bleeding hatred of liberals on a personal level. And why is that?
Resentment. Liberals are smarter, better educated, more creative, nicer and better looking than they are. So it’s just human nature.