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Conan: Morgan Freeman’s New Pro-Obama TV Ad


Few things irk conservatives while they’re fueling up at the Koch Brothers money pump, more than to hear that a Democrat has gained a pat on the head or worse yet – money from the “Hollywood Elite.” It’s not as if Republicans don’t have their share of  entertainment luminaries such as Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Stephen Baldwin and recently Hank Williams Junior on their side, but they’re still critical of the so-called Hollywood connection.

Conan premiers Morgan Freemans new pro-Obama Ad

Quite recently, esteemed actor Morgan Freeman donated a million smackers to the Obama campaign, and good on him! With Freeman’s well-known voice, exuding gentle dignity,  he is a natural to do an ad for the campaign as well, and so he has.  How many of these special bidets do you suppose Romney can deduct as ‘therapeutic’- much like the dancing horse?