Repeat after me: 'I'll have a Costa Rica Finca Palmilera Grande made from the finest Geisha beans Please, Here's Seven dollars my good man' …And a discrete Tip, of course. If the reactions of the ladies on 'The View' are any indication, there's more than just coffee snob value in this pricey cup. Dazzle the office cheapskates with your rare coffee knowledge. Costa Rica Finca Palmilera is made from a rare coffee variety called Geisha, which is found in Central America and is famously difficult to cultivate. It is grown at Tarrazú, south of San José, by brothers Marvin and Didier Sánchez, who set aside just three hectares of their estate to grow Geisha coffee. Obviously there is a necessary price difference between this rare bean and those which Juan Valdez sends careening down the mountain on his donkey…So pony up and pay the price! Then again, if you're secure in who you are, pick up some Maxwell House or Chock Full O' Nuts on the way home.