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Confused Brit Hume thinks Rand Paul is a Democrat

brit hume foolHappy-go-lucky Fox News Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume thinks Rand Paul is in the wrong political party. Seems the man from Fox News who has never smiled has judged Rand Paul on a few issues out of hundreds where the Tea Party Senator from Kentucky – who we recently found surprisingly cuts his own hair – seems to take a less hawkish view of war, incarceration, the NSA and marijuana laws. All four views not much different than most Democrats and a growing majority of Republicans.

A reminder to millennials, Independents and civil libertarians. Most any Democrat matches Rand Paul’s views on those specific issues, so best to vote for Democrats who do not carry the excess right-wing tea party baggage that Rand Paul advocates.  A short list:

Destruction of public education in lieu of religious vouchers and home schooling.
Elimination of the Department of Education.
No gun controls at all.
Elimination of the IRS replaced by a 17% flat tax, which he calls the biggest tax cut in history for the least taxed nation in the industrialized world.
Elimination of estate taxes and capital gains taxes.
Advocates decriminalization of marijuana NOT legalization.
Does not accept global warming or doing anything about it.
Anti-environmentalist, no subsidies for clean energy while a spokesman for the oil, gas and coal companies.
Against mandated vaccinations for school children.
Repeal of Obamacare replaced with vouchers.
Repeal of the naturalized citizen clause of the 14th Amendment.
Agrees with Citizen’s United.
Equal time to intelligent design in public schools science classes.
No right to an abortion and overturn Roe v Wade..
No constitutional right for gays to marry.
No constitutional right do keep private companies from discriminating against African Americans.