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Cooper RidicuList: Critics of foxy Kim Kardashians divorce

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Seventy two days of wedded bliss and what do you get? If you’re Kris Humphries – probably not much. Kim Kardashian is another matter entirely! I do not have enough keys on my calculator to total the haul Kim made – and to think, some snidely call her talentless or not particularly bright. Who needs bright when you attract money the way some of us do mosquitoes in summer.

Anderson rightly puts those who have criticized Kim on the RidicuList – and as one, I now believe that I belong there! First, Kim managed to get her two-day wedding sponsored to the tune of ten million bucks! Did you ever think of doing that? Neither did I – but that was just the beginning, hang on and see just how profitable being a ‘reality’ TV star can truly be! She even kept that gigantic two million dollar emerald cut diamond – although it’s a mere bauble compared to everything else she’s accumulated. This girl is no dummy, she is a practitioner of investment marriage.