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Corporate Cash Extortion, Toles

This is just one of the many disgusting games the Republicans know how to play AND WIN for their wealthy sponsors. They learned long ago that all they have to do is feed their base enough fear, guns, xenophobia, flag lapel pins and Jesus its a free ride.

The column of the month is this one, When Zombies Win by Paul Krugman. 
Our embrace the most proven economic failure in history, supply side
economics. Why? Because we are the United States of Duh and to not do so
would move us to become civilization like they are in Europe.  

There are so many lies the Republicans feed their base it’s often hard finding enough bandwidth to list them all. There is the great lie of evolution, the even greater lie of Global Warming, the silliness that the more guns out and about the safer we all are, but none hits us as hard in the here and now than the lie that the answer to all our economic problems are solved by waiting patently for the rich to pee on us.

For eight years Ronald Reagan embraced the tinkle down yellow rain and TRIPLED our national debt. Even before George W Bush and the Republicans destroyed the American economy by distributing the wealth upwards (supply side), they had in just over 6 years DOUBLED the national debt. It has been proved to be an historic failure, and beginning next month the Republicans, along with some help from the President, are going to do it to us all over again. Grab your ankles and bite the bullet, no K-Y this time.

It’s not just religion that holds to our greatest human foible of believing only what we wish to believe, but it touches upon everything, especially concerning paying taxes. It is what makes the government evil. Not war, torture, collateral damage, fraud or graft – it’s that back pocket extortion. Having to actually pay for what we want. 

I heard that snotty old know-it-all woman on Mornin’ Joe this morning say "EVERYONE knows the problem is spending." Peggy Noonan is expressing what we wish to believe. The reality is EVERYONE knows – but chooses not believe – we are the least taxed nation in the civilized world and all our economic problems could be solved by simply increasing taxes back to what Ronald Reagan found acceptable. We are in the mess we are because since Reaganomics politicians have been forced to run on every reducing taxes or be thrown out the door.