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Corporate racist Joe Rickey Hundley slaps "NWORD baby" on Delta Flight

racist Joe Rickey Hundley

So what do racists look like these days?  If we cannot call this white man who called a black 19 month old a “nword baby” and then slapped it across the face a racist, then I guess the GOP is correct, there are no racists anymore. Out West they even changed the name of RACIST to NATIVIST.

How confusing. The mother, Jessica Bennett, looks white, the adopted toddler Jonah Bennett seems to be of mixed race and an almost pink old white man from the blood red state of Idaho crammed into two airline seats.  Who would of thought… My only surprise is that he had his corporate picture taken without an American flag pin on his lapel. So… Can I say that Joe is a Republican? No huh. Well, I am going to take the chance with that on just the “Joe Rickey” name alone.
