Watching Morning Joe just now the image relayed were this picture of a Trump supporter bleeding in the back of an ambulance and Trump protesters destroying a police car in the street, I am not sure how the rest of the media treated this, but just in case make sure to watch this Trump supporter doing donuts through the crowd.
31,000 Orange County residents crowded into Vanguard University stadium to wallow in the man who they believe will have the guts to drop the H bomb on whoever needs it.
All that aside, STOP THESE ANGRY PROTESTS AGAINST TRUMP! Especially turned violent for it plays right into his hands. The ugly face of screaming violent protesters are exactly WHO is taking their country away from then and making America unGreat. It’s like #blacklivesmatter, they may be right but in this election season it only helps the fascists win over the worst of us.
I am also sure that the Mayor of Cleveland is thinking about abdicating especially when you factor in Ohio’s OPEN CARRY to the mess.
Look people, Trump and his minions can’t help but fall from the weight of their own bile. Sure. egg them on for the cameras but do it softly and wisely. The winners in this kind of thing have been MLK, Gandhi and Jesus. Wait a minute, weren’t they all murdered? Is being murdered a win?