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Countdown: St Louis RAMS shift into no go with Boss Limbaugh, Beast to judge Beauty pageant?

Lawrence O’Donnel filling in for Keith Olbermann discusses Limbaugh’s two recent projects.which bring us to a very odd irony. The St. Louis Rams are to be admired for saying they’ll refuse to play if Limbaugh buys the team, the reasons go back to one of Limbaugh’s brief stints on ESPN, when he was removed from his commentator position for making racial remarks. Since, he’s made a daily string of offensive remarks to everyone on his radio show.

The question remains, why aren’t Miss America contestants just as outraged, or even more? The leading misogynist has been selected as first of a six person judging panel for their pageant! In this enlightening interview he reveals just why he’s in the big mouth biz, as well as why he agrees with the Taliban, with whom he holds more in common than he reveals here, this is a real don’t miss interview!