Cracked feature ‘Some News’ checks in on Donald J. Trump, to see how his promise to Drain the Swamp is coming along. It’s horrifying hard to believe that it’s been over 300 fun-filled, precedent-setting days since Trump was sworn in, stubby fingers crossed behind his back. Certainly, one would believe that in this length of time, the swamp is drained and he has fulfilled the six goals he set for his first one hundred days. Some News finds that there are some loose ends, and reviews Trump’s six goals, grading him generously on his progress. Pictured: Trump enacted a freeze on hiring federal workers. ‘The jobs president’ – whose cabinet was nearly bare, said “We don’t’ need all these jobs. What do all these people do?” The rest is history. Soon, for the most inept and the least qualified people in the land – excluding the lawn boy, it was Christmas. But say Happy Holidays while you can!