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Cracked: Why Vice Presidents Are Like Sit-Com Dads

CRACKED:  Why Picking A Vice President is Like Casting A Sitcom Dad      or  Why Bad Vice Presidents Are good For America

Cracked makes a hilarious case for the importance of  vice presidents in  their role in the one of the only political offices we can safely laugh at – or with, if we’re feeling charitable. Using  a wealth of  entertaining psychological observations and historical facts, Cracked proves that we need the presidential second banana more than we know.

If the president is ideally an action hero, leading our country with super-human intelligence and strength; the VP is our sitcom dad…Think Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson. When thinking of Joe Biden’s penchant for lady snuggling, maybe think pf Pepe LePew?

I particularly like this observation. “You can love them,  while knowing they reached the position by losing. Either they  never had a shot,  or they ran for it, and took best second banana. But once the job is taken, they proceed to make asses of themselves with Homer Simpsonian panache.”

If Patton was right when he said Americans love a winner, it only stands to reason that they don’t respect the guy who came in second very much. Here’s a shocker, it’s  no secret to that guy either.  Our first VP John Adams took a dim view of his office : “The most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.”  John Nance Garner who held the office from 1933- 1041 was even more blunt.   “Not worth a bucket of warm phis.”

I don’t know if it’s as grim as Garner would imply. Dick Cheney increased his wealth – and his power!  Not everyone can shoot someone in the face, then enjoy watching the victim apologize for getting his face in the way of the bullet.  On the other end of the scale, Joe Biden is the guy you’d like to go out and let him buy the beer!  Babies love him, and it does us good to smile at his antics.  After all, he doesn’t have the launch codes…Does he?