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Daily Show Al Madrigal, 51st state Puerto Rico!

puerto rico stathood al madrigalMaking Puerto Rico the 51st state would bring more baseball and rum to America. Which is a good thing.  Well compared to soccer and guns anyway.  So why so few people demonstrating for Puerto Rican statehood in front of the White House?

Well because if Democrats do not have control of the House and 60 votes in the Senate it WILL NOT HAPPEN. It would be like giving voting rights to the first 6 million Mexicans that showed up to vote. And even worse, it would give the Democrats 2 new senators, and 5 new House members. It would be like Republicans trying to make Afghanistan a state. What a boon to the GOP to have an immediate influx of 30 million ignorant religious armed nutjobs to round out the 50 million or so they already have.
Oh no, I  hope I didn't give them any ideas…

You know what's a real eye opener in what and who we are? The only places I can come up with that are more conservative than America are the Muslim Theocracies, Central African dictatorships and Singapore. So when I tell my fellow Republicans to LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, their emigration choices are limited to the most unsavory places around. Well, there is now some talk about going to Mars…
