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Daily Show John Oliver Final Shuttle launch with James Lovell and Tom Hanks

As we foul our air and water, deny climate change, suffer never before seen droughts and floods and sorely over populate the Earth. we take the money out of our last hope of moving on. SO THE WEALTHY GET TAX BREAKS.

For if they don’t get what they want, woe be unto you. They will sit on their money as they are now, until doomsday – which is not far off. They will not hire anyone, as they are not doing now, while they laugh at all the numbnuts who vote for them only because they love playing with guns, hate gays, Blacks, Mexicans and anyone smarter than they – which most everyone. It is the nature of the ugly ignorant people.

If you don’t get down on all fours with our pants around our ankles for them they will fire your ass and move to China, or India or even worse, Mississippi. You know what that is called? EXTORTION. How about we try them under RICO instead of handing them another jar of Vaseline…