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Daily Show John Oliver investigates Republican Florida voter purges

These Republican laws suppressing the vote have been passed in more than 26 states controlled by Republican legislatures and governors. It is not just about registration purges like this one, but suppressing the vote in every manner they can IMAGINE.

It is specifically to keep qualified African Americans, Hispanics, poor, young and old from voting for Democrats. We all know that! YES WE DO ALL KNOW IT.  You can see how absurd their argument is in the John fund interview. It makes no sense.  You remember John Fund? He ghost wrote Rush Limbaugh’s first best seller “The Way Things Ought To Be” and who beat the crap out of his girlfriend. Which of course makes John Funda MODERATE Republican. Oh, Limbaugh’s second best seller “See I told you So” was ghost written by Joseph Farah, the insane right-wing maniac who runs WORLDNETDAILY.COM. Also now an assumed moderate Republican since the Tea Party took over the GOP.

So will this make a difference to white people voting for Republicans. OF COURSE NOT! This is good democracy. The less people voting the better Republicans do. The better the wealthy do, who then pee gold on the rest of us. Its only logical…

john oliver florida voting purge