Having a recently now certified pathological liar and conspiracy buffoon as our President, there is just too much news to be covered. Personality? Policy? Politics? Ah, just stick to what’s the most fun, because this can’t last much longer.
For those of you who have been taking care of kids or grand kids over the last several years, you know well that this US ban on tablets on planes is the worst airplane idea since charging for luggage.
Indeed what better way to radicalize moderate Muslim families than to to deny them a tablet for their children. For as we in that know know, a tablet on a plane, in a car, in a restaurant or at home is a better way of controlling children that feeding them a bottle of Tylenol a day. Boy does it work! It even allows adults to not have to watch SPROUT 24 hours a day. Watch what you want and just toss them the Netflix tablet. Hours of calm.
Other than not paying taxes, this brings to mind the second most central Republican ideological issue, NO REGULATIONS. I can not think of a regulation that hits parents in the face harder than this one from Republicans. Especially on a plane.
But then again, perhaps we protest a bit too much, after all Muslim children are a lot better behaved than Christian children. Though this not being another “Muslim ban” it also affects real good American families from flying from those eight enemy states.