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Daily Show Wyatt Cenac Does in the Rap with Slim Thug

Thank you Wyatt for doing something only a Black Dude could do. The Emperor (Rap) has no clothes. And here is the proof. And you know, this is so far out, I can’t tell if it’s real or satire. 

I remember defending rap music when it first became popular so many years ago. Sure there was little if any musical talent involved. It was just repetitive disco dance music with the bass turned up. And it sent a horrible message glorifying drugs, guns, violence, revenge and sexism. Much like Rock & Roll so how could I complain? And it did go beyond the shallow lyrics of hot and horny disco, into some truth about the culture of the Hood while infusing some much needed big money into the Hood as well. As a fad it was fine with me, for a while…  

But over the years as it became the dominate musical from of a generation where rhyming with "Luck" and "Witches" transcended any evidence of musical talent, I turned away.

When someone would drop a rapper name on me I would ask, "Oh, what instrument do they play?" Failing to answer I would add, "Oh, well then they must be a good singer, carries a tune and a melody like Otis Reading or Freddie Mercury, right?" Blank stares.  

It became personal with me with it not only being so musically wanting, but so heavily seeped in revenge – which my years have found to be the cause of most violence and pain in the world past and present.

So for many years now having it crammed down my throat I have been shouting, "The Emperor has no Clothes!"  To no one listening. Until last night. Thank you again Wyatt. Reminds me, where is that Temptations album?  I have my pride but… I aint to proud to beg…