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Daily Show Wyatt Cynac Jewish Sharia law in the Hamptons

So allow me to add a few things here in regards to the recent passing of bills and constitutional amendments is some states refusing to adhere to Sharia Law. Laws that do not nor could not exist. This is much like putting a sign outside Tulsa saying "NO ORCS ALLOWED!"

So here we have much the same thing but in this case it’s REAL!  Orthodox Jews want to put a Jewish wall around Westhampton Beach – be it a cement wall, a chain, a rope or a string.

What is next from this unAmerican crazy religion? Stoning women in the public square for adultery? Executing old men who build a fire to cook a chicken on the Sabbath? Sending to Hell those who eat shrimp cocktails and ham sandwiches? Burning down entire cities for having too much sex? 

We need a bill, or better yet a constitutional amendment, to keep these crazyass Middle Eastern religious fanatics from taking over America!