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Damning Tapes Show Bush Planned To Invade Iraq, over A YEAR Before Elected President video

Keith’s away, and the mice will play bringing you an article there wasn’t time to post yesterday which I hope you find interesting. I did! It falls under the header “Bushed!”

A little ditty we start off with known as,
It Was All Part Of The Plan Gate:
A full year and a half before his election, and two before the terrorist acts of 9-11, George Bush sat down with journalist and Bush friend, Mickey Herskowitz on the record. What he says will be denied by some, and hit home with others.
Please remember, we had no reason to invade Iraq when this interview took place. Watch in Shock and Awe as Gov. Bush tells Herskowitz his plans in much greater detail. I can’t resist an official “raspberry” to those who said I was a
conspiracy theorist (or nut) at the time, so grab a hankie.

The excited Governor Bush told Herskowitz what he’d do if he “ever became president”. He blurted, “I’m going to invade Iraq.” He reasoned that every memorable president ‘needed’ a war, in this case a small one with the potential for no casualties.(Personal Request: If there is a universal font symbol for
circling your ear to denote crazy, please clue me in..thanks). Watch his further aspirations on the topic of war and being a memorable president. Please,if you watch it and still harbor some delusions about fighting terrorists and bringing democracy to the country of Iraq, kindly remember that 9-11 was still yet two years away. When it happened, it was like a gruesome gift which landed in his lap, a gift – to a president who ached for war. Nor is it a small war, or is it fighting terrorism. Dare we say the American people swallowed a lie whole. Thinking we were being protected, we gave up our rights. Another casualty was the truth. The FBI memos which crossed desks previous to the attacks were under the rugs, and the pesky employee who insisted upon talking was fired. When Mickey
Herskowitz tossed what he thought was a very hot potato to the Washington Post, and the L.A. Times, he got nothing for his trouble. Russ Baker had better luck, and to give credit where it’s due, on Nov. 2 2006 Keith Olbermann reported it
right here, but I’ll bet you didn’t see it in headlines. Would someone like to explain the overwhelming left wing media for me again?

War Crimes Gate:
Special Investigators for the U.N. haven’t forgotten Donald Rumsfeld! It’s usually nice to be remembered, but Rummy doesn’t seem like a sentimental guy. Besides, the investigators are delivering info that aren’t candy-grams. Watch Keith place the words; responsibility, human rights abuse, Gitmo, and He’ll Forever after face difficult times – together with other nouns and verbs to tell the story of a slimy sadistic crook who got away with his dirt here, but is being
reined in and made to pay by the U. N. I hope they don’t forget the rest of the evil “Our Gang” who lied and pillaged from their “fort” in that big White Clubhouse.

Blackwater Gate :
This too, could go on and on with many players. Today, we speak of two who survived only one such shooting spree, and how their story will finally be heard by the U.S. Federal Court. The drunken shooting spree had at least 20 observers, none of whom will testify. For this reason, the murderers have avoided arrest until now, with at least two of the survivors, and one relative of a victim testifying against them in federal court, as they cannot be reprimanded under
military law.