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Democracy Fails, Egypt with guns America Voter ID, Anderson cartoon

democracy fails

democracy fails

What a mess in Egypt. We have to side with the Islamic Brotherhood who are executiong police, burning down churchs, murdering Coptics and Christians, and who hate us as much as they hate the Jews. Who they want to eliminate, a bit of full frontal genocide if they could get away with it.  Our $1 billion in aid is nothing to them. Just Saudi Arabia alone gives them $16 million a year.

I have a foreign policy plan. Any nation who kill each other over religious crap shall be completely ignored until they decide to join the civilized world. Much like the NRA and Republicans pumping guns into the inner cities who will hopefully shoot each other out of existence. Let’s use that plan  for the entire Middle East. In fact let’s give each of them them 2 H bombs. Israel who has about 100 which should settle it once an for all.

After all, what is the Middle East but the land of desert, rubble, guns and intolerant violent religion? Well there are dates and hummus, but I can live without either.

The Republican Party is no friend of Democracy, voter suppression is just part of it, they never use the word, it never appears in the constitution, they believe those with the most money should enjoy the most democracy.

So what is this about? The Muslim Brotherhood are killing Christians, want to preform genocide on Jews, and force Sharia Law upon everyone they can. So why are Republicans who don’t much care about democracy want to get into the fight on the side of the Christian hating genocidal maniacs?  I think I know. Two words.  BLACK. PRESIDENT.