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Denver Archdiocese Denies Education to Pre Schooler because parents are Lesbians

This is a 4 year old thrown out of pre school for God Sake! Gosh… Not only for the intolerant sexual bigotry endemic to the Catholic Church, but the unconscionable belief that children must suffer the sins of their parents! Anathema to the very core of what this nation stands for. It is more than disgusting on all levels. Though on the good side this is one less child for these dirty old men to get their filthy hands on.

Be clear that the responsibility for this is NOT on the back of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School where the staff spoke up against the ruling, but upon the Denver Archdiocese and its trail of crap leading to the Vatican in Rome.

The Denver Archdiocese has it written down:

"No person shall be admitted as a student in any Catholic school unless that person and his/her parent(s) subscribe to the school’s philosophy and agree to abide by the educational policies and regulations of the school and Archdiocese."

They also contend the child will suffer "confusion" if allowed to attend their school. Confusion my ass, this is as clear as can be to all concerned, especially to the child as it grows up.

There is no law against these creepy crawlers purposefully hurting not only a 4 year old child, but the parents as well. Tax the Church. 51% across the board. TODAY! NOW! End the recession! 

You know I am often asked to slow down on my religious angst. That it is paramount in helping the majority witted unattractive Americans fight off loneliness, find acceptance with others like them and that they mean well. There is something to that of course, but religion does cause great harm. I am also told that was in the old days, that  things are different now. There is something to that too, but…

Put all the horror of the Islamic theocracies aside to find there is an even greater harm done upon humanity by this specific Dark Age religion.

Both the present Bad Pope and the previous Good Pope SHOUTED to the continent of Africa that they should not use condoms. The result of that has been the death of millions  more women and children than any genocide in history. And to make matters even worse, the reasoning is that the Vatican wants to see much higher unsupportable population rates on the continent of not only Africa but also the over populated areas of Central and South America. Gay couple’s child denied re-enrollment at Catholic school with Video