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Donald Trump Speaks Out on Iraq War – Is He a Loser? – Seth Meyers

Donald Trump Speaks Out on Iraq War - Is He a Loser? - Seth Meyers
Seth takes a closer look at Donald Trumps’ declaration that the Iraq War was a mistake, and anualyzes the Republican response –  including words of wisdom by George W. Bush and a solemn pronouncement by Dick Cheney.  Then again, all pronouncements by Dick Cheney are solemn, and not a little scary.

It looks as though Donald Trump picked the wrong day, and South Carolina was definitely the  wrong place in which to voice disapproval of the Iraq war. For months Trump has garnered cheers  for spouting  racism, personal insults and misogynistic put downs – but he was finally roundly booed  – just for saying George Bush was President on 9-11. As Seth points out,” it’s one of those things that everyone knows is true, but that no one is allowed to say out loud.”
Could Donald Trump have made a fatal mistake? Even Republican insiders think it could be – or it might not. That’s as good as it gets.

A full and fun anualysis of the current campaign follows. There is so much spinning on the topic of the Iraq war and Republicans who allegedly act like Democrats that I took a Dramamine just to get through it. It must be some comfort to Michael Moore to know that when Dick Cheney thinks of a despicable far – left character he thinks of him. I would be honored too.