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Donald Trump TIME Magazine MAN OF THE YEAR – Video

Donald Trump joins Hitler, Stalin, Gingrich, Khomani and George W as TIME's MAN OF THE YEAR - Video

. “Donald Trump – President of the Divided States of America” reads the sub title. Which of course The Donald didn’t like one bit:

“When you say divided states of America, I didn’t divide them. They’re divided now. I mean there’s a lot of division, and we’re going to put it back together and we’re going to have a country that’s very well healed.”

And there again and again we have a lie so huge and so sad that no one has yet arrived at a name for it. Well other than the antithesis of the truth.

Though I am old enough to remember that Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew did almost as good a job of dividing America back in the late Sixties as Trump and Pence have done so far, and we are only at the appointment stage, they haven’t even begun beating the crap out of those on their very very long enemies list yet.

Donald Trump Is Time’s Person of the Year, to No One’s Surprise

TIME’s person of the year goes to a person, a group, an idea, or an object that for better or for worse has done the most to influence the events of the year.”

Donald Trump won TIME’S Person of the Year which also went to Adolph Hitler, Newt Gingrich, Ayatollah Khomini, Vladimir Putin, and both Joe Stalin and George W Bush winning it twice! George W Bush got it the first time for wining the election in 2001 by the Republicans on the Supreme Court while losing the popular vote by a million or so. He got it the second time for a war based on lies which turned out to be our least popular war. Why he didn’t get it in 2008 for destroying the world economy I don’t know. But hey, George W painting in the shower looks pretty good right now.