Seth Meyers returns to anualyze the past two weeks in Trump, in which the media and ‘observers’ have been so twitterpated over Trump’s pivot and turn toward the presidential, that they’ve failed to notice that we’ve all been here before. Observers are tripping over deja-vu by failing to notice Trump’s pattern of saying inflammatory things that drive poll numbers down, followed by reading a prepared speech so well that the media believes in miracles again. Seth observed the bar is so low, that it’s like a five-year-old wearing a suit at a wedding. Relatives fuss and rave that he’s quite the ‘mature’ young man – but nobody gives him keys to the Oval Office.
Since Trump began to slip in the polls, a new tactic is simply to deny their existence. Right-wing radio host Bill Mitchell exhorts listeners; “Imagine polls don’t exist. Now show me the evidence that Hillary Clinton is winning!” Mention that the poll numbers are down, and Trump lawyer Michael Cohen becomes an owl. “Says WHO?” “Says WHO?” “Says WHO?”
Worst of all – and this is quite alarming, Trump and Giuliani are spreading the word about Hillary Clinton’s secret health risk…And we may want to look at our own health. Trump has taken Hillary’s ‘symptom’ on as a regular talking point, but this is the gist:
“She’ll do an event and then you don’t hear from her. I think she goes home, she goes to sleep. She is Dangerous.”
Seth Meyers: “Yes! She sleeps great, she’s seen the polls!”