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Donald Trumps working class underachievers love the good lies

Donald Trumps working class underachievers love the good lies

Trump’s lie about New Jersey Muslims celebrating 911 reminds me of the long running lie of our troops being spit on returning from Vietnam which never happened, not one photo, recording, news report, or collaboration from more than one witness at any event, underachievers believe only what they want to believe.

As mentioned the other day, Republican wordsmith Frank Luntz has made progress in defining Donald Trump fans, from Dumbasses, to Low Information Voters to now Working Class Underachievers who have no problem with the Right kind of lies, the good lies.  All of such lies seeming to be about people of other colors, religions and nations.

What is it that the two sides that are splitting the GOP apart hate so very much about the Federal Government? One group hates the Federal Government because they don’t want to pay taxes on all the money they make. The other group hates the Federal Government because the constitution requires that the entire nation treat everyone equally no matter their color, religion, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation. THEY HATE DAT! For as you know, they are only underachievers because minorities and foreigners get all the breaks.