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Don’t bring Blacks to NBA games, Auth Cartoon

david sterling no black to NBA games

“Just don’t bring any of ’em to my games.” NBA owner Donald Sterling

Boy, now there is an example of the intellectual high ground.  Forget that the players and the audience and the fans are Black and that this specific issue came up because V Stiviano brought the most respected NBA player to an NBA game.

After digesting that comes the why of it.  Because Donald Sterling tells us, his girlfriend brings “the enemy” into his personal life. THE ENEMY.  Hard to tell if he is speaking as  a Billionaire, a Republican, a Jew (which seems to be his defense) or just some ignorant racist rancher in the Nevada desert.

It seems the President got it right the other day when he said let these racists speak, it only shows how ignorant they are.

So far the Republicans have expressed only two defenses regarding David Sterling. That his girlfriend is a dishonorable slut and he is an old fart which makes it not only okday but does not reflect on the rest of the GOP. Whose Tea Party demographic is 55+ and Fox News demographic is 65+.