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Dr Bill Cosby, scubady scubady hop, she needs a pudding pop

Dr Bill Cosby she needs a pudding popAs some, including one very loud and angry black woman, say Black Lives Don’t Matter, including not only Dr Bill Cosby but so many armed thugs prancing around our inner cities robbing and shooting African Americans whose lives do matter. Well hold it, aren’t the Black Lives Don’t Matter thugs primarily killing off fellow Black Lives Don’t Matter thugs? And what’s that matter?

Why is Black Lives Matter going after White Liberal Democrats? What fodder for Donald Trump and Fox News hey? I wonder how often that ANGRY BLACK WOMAN blaming THE THUGS will be appearing on Fox News this week? I wonder if it’s as often as MSNBC’s Morning Joe spends on Hillary’s email server?

Thus far I have only seen Black Lives Matter go after three Democrats running for President, Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.  Add to that the political correctness crap that ALL LIVES MATTER cannot be said and it sure seems like a loser – loser issue to me.  I have been working for civil rights since I was in high school and I am even getting phising off at them.