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Drunken Streaker in Blue Wig Wins Australian Horse Race

Moray, south of Sydney, Australia on a typical race day.

It’s Morcombe in the lead, heading for the finish line – easy win in sight! The crowd cheers, the thoroughbred gives a burst of renewed energy – when out of the corner of Morcombe’s eye appeared the improbable.

A clothless pot bellied man, accessorized by only a blue wig had suddenly appeared running along side the horse. Though inebriated, the streaker appears to have given a good showing, only stopping at the finish line with a spectacular belly flop.

The sensible lead horse had long since spooked, effectively losing the race and distancing himself from this visage.

The 31 year old streakier had started celebrating his upcoming nuptials the evening before, but was still fueled up and ready to continue on race day, to the misfortune of steed, rider, and race goers. The streakier was charged with offensive conduct, and the race declared void, I presume because the race was for horses only, he wasn’t registered, and miles of red tape, but they’ll always have this moment to treasure in their bridal book and videos, though we may never know what compels someone to take off their clothes in public. Much like Gertrude Stein, I don’t care what people do in the privacy of their homes, as long as they stay inside and don’t spook the horses!

The Video!