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Duck Dynasty Fans & Christians? Send Threats, Hate Over Phil’s ‘Fake’ Video NSFW

Duck Dynasty Fans & Christians? Send Threats, Hate Mail to 'Dusty' Over Video Revealing Robertsons to be Rich Yuppies and Fakes

When Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson’s orifice-centric GQ interview first hit the news, we posted a related video. In the video, Dusty of the YouTube channel “Cult of Dusty”  revealed the Robertson boys to be fake hillbillies, and posted photos as evidence.

The Duck Dynasty clan whom fans idolize as icons of guns, God, guns, homosexual intolerance, guns, blindness to racial inequity, family, livin’ off the land, guns and conservative America – didn’t look like the folks on Duck Dynasty!  This isn’t a big surprise to those who know ‘reality shows’ are often anything but reality…But there are always those who chose to believe whatever fits their own world view.  In Dusty’s photos, the boys and their families look like freshly scrubbed, affluent yuppies with nice clothes and stylish haircuts. Nary a beard nor any camo is in sight, and their futures look bright.

Fans have always known that the Robertson boys hold college degrees, and one can’t help but notice their attractive, well-kept urban wives. Those ladies might peel an orange, but would never scrape the hide off of a varmint. It just seems logical to me that the clan didn’t spring from the woods one day,  – dazzle the wimmin’ then head back to the hills!

Of course, what seems logical to some, are fighting words to the Duck Dynasty’s homophobic fans! In fact, fans aren’t upset at the Robertson clan for making fools of them. They’re mad at Dusty for revealing the subterfuge. They want Dusty dead! Some want God to do the killin’ – this is crazy time!  Not only are these loudly quacking fools ignoring the Bible they claim to follow,  they’re the poster boys for stricter gun laws. Congrats to all you keyboard warriors out there… Here’s a typical example, speaking for God – fairly presumptuous, I’d say.

“May you burn in hell you ignorant stupid liberal. Yes the show may be fake, but God is real. He will one day have his vengeance and a wholes like you will burn in a lake of fire.”