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Durex Vibrating Underwear, Internet Sex App. Reach Out And Touch Someone (Really!) NSFW

Durex Fundawear Vibrating Underwear For Internet Sex. Reach Out And Touch Somebody (Really!) NSFW When you can’t be with the one you love, love the one on speed dial. Durex Fundawear underwear is purportedly light years ahead of Underoos in the fun department. Those who thought the ‘vibrate’ iPhone setting was mildly titillating will love having the ability to stimulate specific areas of their partner’s anatomy via iPhone and an internet connection.
Company ads promise “Fundawear is an innovation from Durex that allows touch to be transferred over the internet. Visit http://www.durexperiment.com.au to find out more & get Fundawear for yourself.
So for the first time you can tease, tickle & tantalize even when you’re apart.”
A leading comment on YouTube where the ad is screeching toward two million viewers, suggests a new world of problems…”A bad internet connection will be considered c*ck-block. “