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Ed Show: NEOCON John Bolton 2012 has NO Smarts, Sophistication or Nuance

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Definition of the phrase Waste of air-time: Sean Hannity interviewing 2012 lagger John Bolton. I may be simplifying matters, but it seems that the interview consists of two parts, often repeated in right wing circles in one form or another. First is the obligatory whatever Obama did, does, or will do concerning Libya or any other military action cannot be right, regardless of the outcome. If world peace were to come about because of his actions, he would have gone in too soon, too late, or against advisement.

Secondly and quite characteristically for one of his ilk, Bolton infuses the words ‘smart, sophistication and nuance’ with an ominous suspicion and deep negativity. This liturgy is in keeping with the accepted distrust of intelligence in thought word or deed. Hannity shines as the perfect counter-balance for this example.