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Family Guy Goes to Texas – Sneakers OToole

Finding Religious Tolerance in Texas is like Telling Sneakers O’Toole to take his Sneakers off!

Down here in Dumbutt we have this horrible thing called the Texas Board of Education. It is made up of 15 members, 5 Democrats, and 10 Republicans, 7 and sometimes 9 of whom are Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians who have a BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW in which the BIBLE trumps The Constitution.

Their central issue has been to put "creation science" which they have renamed "intelligent design" into our science classes and science text books. They came up one vote short recently and have now switched from Biblisizing science to Biblisizing social sciences. They have appointed "experts" to overall Texas History books. These experts are for the most part Evangelical ministers and preachers who hold "constructionist" views that our nation should be based upon scripture rather than the constitution. 

Presently they are trying to revise history by removing Caesar Chavez from our student knowledge base and replacing him with Newt Gingrich, Right to Life organizations and Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority. Any changes will not take affect until the 2012 school year which gives them lots of time to fk up the Texas even more than they already have. With the way things are going now with the very unpopular idea of health care reform, by 2012 President Palin and Vice President Ted Nugent are sure to be added to all our nations text books as the ground work for rapture and the Second Coming.

The Face of the Texas Taliban, Cynthia Dunbar
Texas Board of Education Accepts Evolution
Bios and pictures of all 15 members
The Face of the Texas Taliban, Cynthia Dunbar
English Education going Backwards in Texas