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Fire and Fury this world has never seen before! Stephen Colbert

Fire and Fury this world has never seen before! Stephen Colbert

Fire and Fury this world has never seen before! Stephen ColbertGood to see Stephen use the whole quote with “never seen before” which The Media does not use in headlines and are the most important words in the now infamous quote. You and I and Trump are going to give them a double dose of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Oh and Dresden which was even worse.

If anyone in the world has been out of the news loop since before the election and read the quote before knowing the authorship…

“They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”

And asked who said it, Kim Jong Un or the President of the United States, 100% of them would go with Kim Jong Un. For only a nutjob could say something so stupid.