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Fired Friendswood Principle Robin Lowe Hired by Pershing Middle School

Robin Lowe was recently fired as principle from the 85% white Friendswood Junior High here in Texas. Lowe was LET GO because of complaints from the fine WHITE Christian parents of Friendswood having their fine WHITE Christian children forcibly subjected to a 30 minute program of diversity training, learning religious tolerance and a bit of multiculturalism presented by two Islamic Houston Islamic women after a Muslim boy at the school was bullied, harassed and put upside down in a trash bin. Friendswood Texas Principle Robin Lowe Fired for Islam Presentation 

Houston Independent School District (HISD) has now hired Robin Lowe as principle of Pershing Middle School with nothing but kind words. Robin Lowe to take over Houston’s Pershing Middle School

friendswood dave welchThe main instigator in Robin Lowe’s removal from Friendswood Middle School was and still is Pastor Dave Welch, executive director of the Houston Area Pastor Council which represents 200 churches in the Houston area. Hearing of her new job at the far more diverse HISD he said he is leery about her new job.

"While we are encouraged that she’s no longer the principal at Friendswood Junior High, we hope that she has learned from this experience and will be cautious and follow school policies appropriately this time." Welch said knowing full well there was no school policy that parents must be notified for auditorium presentations.

Friendswood officials are meeting today in nearby Dumbutt to discuss changing the name of their fair city. Suggestions submitted so far are Whitewood, Nastyforest, and GETYERASSOUTOFHERE.