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Fly Specked Food Stored By Dumpster, Served At Florida Golden Corral

Fly Specked Food Stored By Dumpster, Served At Florida Golden Corral

All You Can Eat! These are the four words dear to the hearts of many Americans, and Golden Corral is in the business of providing that experience for them. From all you can eat ribs to the sundae fountain, it’s a food lover’s paradise – if you’re not too picky.
Employee Brandon Huber filmed this clip during a health inspection at the Port Orange, Florida restaurant where it’s business as usual to park food in the alley by the dumpsters while inspectors are inside. Raw hamburger patties, chicken, bacon, casseroles and gravy bake in the sun providing sustenance to flies which march over the uncovered meat, that is later brought inside and fed to customers. This should solve the mystery of any sudden stomach ailments. It was not a sensitivity to gluten that gotcha!
The Port Orange Health Department ignored repeated complaints.