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FOD: Women’s Paycheck Fairness Act FAIL


Gee, Kay Baily Hutchenson and Rick Brown joined the War on Women?

So there is no Republican War on Women Republicans tell us? I mean how can they deny it?  Just another nail in the uterus.

White women will vote Republican anyway. Why?  Because Ann Coulter is so beautiful and well spoken?  Because Jesus on toast told them to? Because all that extra 23% of income will go to neck nodding sassy African American women? Because their parents were Republicans?  Wait Wait, I know the answer!  Because they bought a dozen lottery tickers for the interstate MEGA MILLIONS, and they don’t want to pay any taxes on the $346 million they will win!  That’s why they only buy into MEGA MILLIONS in the first place. The regular lottery only pays like $10 million and who wants to nickel and dime it even though the chances of winning are increased by a few thousand percent. No, its $346 million TAX FREE or nothing! That is American Exceptionalism!

Funny or die equal pay for women act