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Our Founding Fathers were HOT, Helen Pellet

founding fathers are HOTBe sure to wait this video out to the end.  The premise here is that all the images we have of our Founding Fathers are from at least 20 years after the revolution, well after they lost their hotness. Except for Ben Franklin anyway.

The video also is a satirical piece on the media feeding us so much shallow crap about celebrities and sex which sad to say, far too many women suck up.

You know the biggest Internet advertising moneymaker other than Google Adsense are those blocks of pictures at the bottom of most large websites and webpages that lure you in with TOP TEN CELEBRITY… But in the ladies defense, a good share of those are TOP TEN CELEBRITY BUTTS…

I often wonder if many TV shows would even be aired if it were not for the ladies.  Like any award show at all, relationship reality shows, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Housewives of…   I wonder about you ladies, when will you learn that grown men chasing balls around is what is important in this world of ours.